FUSE 2019 Compendium Reel

The Bradley University Interactive Media FUSE Showcase is the Interactive Media (IM) department's one-day, end of the year exhibition that is attended by over 1,500 people at the Peoria Riverfront Museum in Peoria, Illinois, showcasing student created work.

For this animation, I took the several hundred pieces of submitted student work and compiled them into a collective animation, showcasing the games, animations and drawings that IM students had created that year. I chose the comic book layout and style to match the theme of FUSE 2019.

Note: All artwork was created by students of the Interactive Media department at Bradley University. The “Fuse Fox” artwork was created by a fellow student, but I created the background covers.


The Original

This is the original, unedited version of Bradley University’s Department of Interactive Media FUSE 2019 Compendium Reel that was shown at the Peoria Riverfront Museum.

Screen Shot 2020-06-10 at 11.48.53 AM.png
The Fuse Fox character was created by another member of the Fuse Production team as our superhero mascot for Fuse. I created the three comic books to reveal the various works of the Interactive Media students for 2019.

The Fuse Fox character was created by another member of the Fuse Production team as our superhero mascot for Fuse. I created the three comic books to reveal the various works of the Interactive Media students for 2019.


Galloping Horse


Logo Animation